Monthly Archives: April 2013

Sweet Simple Birds

Ahh the beautiful sound of birds singing outside my window. So cheerful, so carefree. The longer I live, the more love I have for these simple sweet creatures. Obviously many share this love, as you can tell from their popularity in today’s décor. I guess birds have always been a part of design, but when I was younger it seemed that they represented an “old people’s” look. New design has modernized their look in so many wonderful ways.

Is there anyone out there who does not have at least one bird motif in their home?
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The Designer in You

If design is in you, it wants to come out. It will find a way. It may take on several faces and expressions over the course of your life. One day it may overtake you and bubble over like a fountain, while the next day it may take a long nap, groaning and rolling over when poked. If you are faithful to your sense of design, be assured it will continue on your journey with you until you discover a form that is a perfect fit. Then you will sprout wings and fly.

Here’s to a weekend of discovering the designer in you.
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Hello! (Again)

After many months (over a year?!) of being an inactive blogger, I have decided to give it another go. I guess you could say I’ve come full circle in my business. After 12 years of business as an antique dealer, I decided to try my hand at creating jewelry. I’m back online with a brand new shop, selling my original pieces of jewelry, crowns and tiara hat bands. With my change in focus from local to online sales, I now have the opportunity to be more involved in the online community once again. You may have known me as A Vintage Mood. My new name, Tarnished Royalty, reflects my desire to reclaim weathered objects, transform and redeem them as graceful new pieces of art or jewelry. In much the same way, we who entrust our lives to God are changed and made beautiful. Once weathered and beaten by sin, we become royalty by His grace.

And of course, what better way to symolize royalty than with a crown?

Let your sense of royalty shine through today!

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