Phrase Art Phriday: Trust


An unknown future can be a scary thing or it can be an exciting thing, depending on one’s perspective. When there are things in my life that look bleak and I don’t know how everything will turn out there is only one way I can keep out fear. By trusting in One I do know. Navigating unfamiliar territory is much less overwhelming when I remember that my future is in His control.

One thing that is so unsettling about the unknown is the lack of control that one feels. I’ll admit it ~ I can be a control freak. I am a very logical person and I often have a very good rationale for doing things the way I do them. I think things through to the possible outcomes before pressing forward. But I am learning to let go of my preconceived plans and the need to know what’s next. No, not in every area of my life but in a few. I am learning that if I stay narrow minded as to what and how I think things should happen I may very well miss something better. But by yielding control and trusting God who holds my future, I can rest in the knowledge that He knows the desires of my heart and wants to lead me in the very best plan for me.

I’m not afraid to try things. Just not without a good amount of pondering (a.k.a. analyzing from every angle). But I’ve learned that I can measure, and calculate, and think a thing to death and still not get the results that I expect. How much easier it could be if I could lean completely on someone who knows the way. I count on my Garmin to get me to unknown places, boy do I! With my GPS I can now experience so much more than I could when I had to rely on my (non-existent) map reading skills. I was limited by my poor sense of direction, and confined to a smaller world. Literally. Could the same be true of my life as a whole? Am I experiencing a pitifully small existence because of a skewed sense of direction? If I stop trying to analyze and control every twist and turn and instead live by the grace and direction of God will I experience more than I could ever imagine? There are countless adventures waiting. It’s time to trust with wild abandon.


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9 thoughts on “Phrase Art Phriday: Trust

  1. Such a good point, Ann. As someone I once worked for who now owns a chain of 30 stores told me, “If I had known what I was in for, I never would have done anything. Just jump in.”

  2. Oh Ann. I so needed to read this this morning! Thank you for your wonderful perspective, and a reminder to me that my God has this, and I can just count on Him for everything. Happy Friday to you! Hope to see you this Sunday at church. xoxo

  3. Oh Ann, I am so proud of you. I have had the pleasure of knowing you for a number of years. I remember long talks and you expressing your analytical side. As you know, I’m a jumper! But seriously, I was just thinking the other day that life really what WE make it. We can sit back in our comfort zone and never stray from the borders or we can jump into something new that may bring pleasures (or pain) never anticipated. For this reason it is so good to reflect: “Where am I in life?” “Do I really want to be “here” ?” And, “Is there anything I can do to change my life for the better?” The answer to these questions may involve parachuting into the unknown and landing in a place we’ve never been before. Love and peace to you Ann. You have a wonderful gift.

    1. Thank you for sharing your (big) heart, Stephanie. I remember those long talks too. You’ve always been a dear friend on this journey, and I believe the best is yet to come for us both. Love you!

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